Genuine Colorbond Steel Sheds


When it comes to building a steel shed, the choice of material can significantly impact the overall quality and durability of the structure. At Affordable Sheds Southside, we use only genuine Colorbond steel in each of our projects. One of the key decisions that builders face is whether to use Colorbond or imported steel. While there are several benefits to using Colorbond over cheaper imported steel for a steel shed project, there are also several risks associated with using lower-quality materials.

Colorbond is a brand of pre-painted steel that is widely used in Australia. It is made from high-quality steel and coated with a layer of durable paint that provides superior protection against corrosion and weathering. Colorbond is available in a wide range of colours and finishes, making it a popular choice for both residential and commercial applications.

One of the key benefits of using Colorbond for a steel shed project is its durability. Colorbond is engineered to withstand the harsh Australian climate, including extreme temperatures, high winds, and heavy rainfall. The paint coating on Colorbond steel is specially designed to resist chipping, peeling, and fading, ensuring that the shed maintains its appearance and functionality for many years to come.

On the other hand, the use of less expensive imported steel in comparison to Colorbond may increase the likelihood of rust and other types of corrosion, potentially resulting in a diminished durability of the shed. Hidden defects or flaws within the cheaper steel could further compound this issue, particularly in critical areas such as the roof or foundation, further endangering the shed's structural integrity.

In addition to these risks, cheaper imported steel may have an uneven or rough texture, detracting from the appearance of the structure. In contrast, Colorbond offers superior aesthetics with a wide range of colours and finishes, providing a smooth and consistent finish that enhances the overall appearance of the shed.

Another advantage of using Colorbond is its low maintenance requirements. The paint coating on Colorbond steel is designed to be self-cleaning, reducing the need for regular cleaning and maintenance. Cheaper imported steel may require more frequent cleaning and maintenance to prevent rust and other forms of corrosion.

Finally, using Colorbond for a steel shed project can help support the Australian economy. Colorbond is manufactured in Australia, using locally sourced materials and labour. By choosing Colorbond over cheaper imported steel, builders can support local businesses and industries, helping to create jobs and promote economic growth in Australia.

In conclusion, while cheaper imported steel may seem like a cost-effective option for a steel shed project, there are several risks associated with using lower-quality materials. These risks include corrosion, defects and imperfections, inconsistent thickness or strength, and non-compliance with building codes and regulations. By choosing Colorbond over cheaper imported steel, builders can ensure that their shed is built to the highest standards of quality, safety, and durability while supporting the local economy. It is for these reasons that Affordable Sheds Southside uses only genuine Colobond steel in all of our projects. Contact us today for a quote!

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